Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Trans-generational Clearing Day 5: Relinquishment Decree

**Giving honor to my dear teacher and friend Catalena Shepard.  She taught me to love my shit, honor my ancestors and empowered me to do my first clearing.  It is because of her I continue to stand in the gap for past/present/future family members.**

candle(s)                  matches/lighter
paper                             bag/box/container
writing utensil            flowing clean natural water source

Begin with whatever spiritual practice you do before working.  I smudge myself. I root/ground/clear/shield. I then light candles. (See:  http://trance4aum.blogspot.com/2013/05/trans-generational-clearing-day-2-safety.html  for more details)  
**use the power of silence: DO NOT DISCUSS** 


Read the below decree silently allowing each phrase to resonate.


Surrender all angst, stress and former agreements that no longer serve you.
Take a piece of paper and write the decree below in script.  
Sign and date.


Read aloud your hand scripted Relinquishment Decree. 
When read, set on fire, allowing ashes to fall into cup/bag/box.
Give thanks, take ashes to clean flowing stream/beach and release ashes.

Relinquishment Decree
I your name here  call in the name of love my entire ancestral lineage.
I now lovingly release all manner of sexual dysfunction through all generations past, present and future, known and unknown to me.

I bind harmful mental and emotional manipulation, all forms of fear of intimacy, frigidity and the spirit of sexual abuse.

I loose juiciness, healthy lust, sensuality, safety, seduction and passion.
I attract them into my life in healthy ways.

I bind negative body image, fear of abandonment, excessive rebellion and/or 

I loose true connection, balance and respect.  I attract only those that
can be co-creators of peace in my world.

I bind any form of unwanted violence between a man and a woman, a woman and a woman or a man and a man.

I loose harmonious conversation and deed. 
I attract spirits that respect my mind, body and spirit to me NOW.

I now free myself from any soul ties pat, present of  future; created by
me or others allowing security, allowing for healthy, loving
relationships with my primary partner (self) and others.

I allow myself to be open.
I allow myself to receive.
 I am appreciative.
I am without judgement.

Disclaimer:  The rituals, affirmations, prayers, exercises are based on my experiments.  Some were given under DIVINE Unction others were taught to me.  By all means in your practice, do as Spirit leads you. 

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Trans-Generational Clearing Day 4: Surrender

surrender v. 
To relinquish possession or control of to another because of demand or compulsion.
To give up in favor of another.

Surrender is an important part of your healing and the juiciness of your future erotic growth.  Many women have difficult or no orgasms.  There is a direct correlation to what goes on in the brain, our most powerful sexual tool, and sexual gratification.  

We begin by surrendering things that would impede our minds.  It's far more challenging to NOT think unhealthy thoughts than it is to allow love and gratitude free reign.  Some of us have a lack of body acceptance.  Others have family baggage. There are many stressors that we wrestle with to no fruitful end.  Those things not only snuff our libidos but it manifests in all kinds of physical maladies.


Allow each body discontent, self limiting habit or source of discord.  Don't force it. Just allow.
As they arise know that your desire is to love. within this love is the ability to create.  As our part in co-creating, even things we wish to avoid, we must surrender. 


As they flow in, allow them for two breathes and on the exhale surrender it.
Feel it melt and drip off of you into the Earth.



I am who I am.
I am that I am.

I move in complete cooperation with harmonious vibration
I visibly witness favor.

I operate as a clear authentic vessel.
I relinquish all that no longer serves me.
I embrace and become all I will to be.

Disclaimer:  The rituals, affirmations, prayers, exercises are based on my experiments.  Some were given under DIVINE Unction others were taught to me.  By all means in your practice, do as Spirit leads you. 

Trans-generational Clearing Day 3: Gratitude


Give thanks to each body part, individually.
Say, "Thank you hair." (or scalp for folicly challenged)
Pause to feel being both the giver and receiver.


Stretch with your hands way over your head. Get on the tips of your toes as you reach for the sky
As you visualize your breath work focus on feeling the energy flowing through your body. Bring your arms down slowly. As you bring them down - with toes pointing out bend your knees to a squat.  Feel your pelvis open up.  Feel exchange Earth energy for that which flows from the most sacred place, Repeat for desired length. 

Today is a day for gratitude. Surrender to the knowing that everything is as it should be. Go on a gratitude frenzy! See how many times and ways you can say, "Thank you."

Disclaimer:  The rituals, affirmations, prayers, exercises are based on my experiments.  Some were given under DIVINE Unction others were taught to me.  By all means in your practice, do as Spirit leads you. 

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Trans-generational Clearing: Day 2 Safety

The first stop on this journey to our succulent wombin is preparing a space of safety.  Many of us have blocks that keep us from being vulnerable and having intimacy. Our past experiences have formed agreements; like all men are dogs.  For me I was told 'You're not the marrying kind'.  I didn't know specifically what that meant but I knew enough to make me feel a sense of inadequacy. There began my search for understanding about relationships, intimacy and sex.

If you examine past negative relationship experiences you'll discover in most cases that a boundary was breached that caused the discord.  This breach isn't limited to infidelity either.  If you were expecting your significant other (s/o) to assist in household duties and they are messy, that is a breach.  Even if the agreement wasn't established it still seems like a betrayal. If we talk about it, establish boundaries, with patience and kindness it creates safety. Even with my little pup Therman Russell Obama of the DC Obamas;
when I leave him I look him in the eyes and say, "I will be gone for a couple of hours. I will be back for you and you will be safe." It's a great comfort to both of us. We both move forward feeling safe and secure.

This is what you are establishing for yourself, a place of  safety.  


Boundaries are very subjective. What feels good or bad and what's a turn on or off - is fluid from person to person and experience to experience.  So, it's fine to amend these boundaries as need be.  We must be able to express these boundaries and feel comfort in knowing they will be respected.

We'll continue with more boundary dialogue as we go. For now, let's just be aware of times we felt completely safe and free.  Then about times when we felt our boundaries weren't respected.  This violation could be from any type of relationship.  It doesn't need to be anything major either.  I went away for the Summer. I had a beautiful doll with jointed wrists. I left her behind for her safety, because I knew I would be with mostly boys. While I was away a female cousin snapped Taylor's (doll's name) hand off!  A boundary was crossed and for years later I kept a close eye on my belongings.  I became afraid to loan things and distrusting causing me to be stingy with things I cared for.  In hind sight it seems so petty but not so.  We are who we are because of our experiences  They mold us into reflections of the way we see the world and the way it's treated us.  If I had been honest and talked about my feelings <sad,disappointment,loss> regardless about what I perceived others would think or what they actually would think I would have nipped these self limiting agreement before it ended where it did. Which was until recently, me being unable to keep things that were flawed. It was more about my feelings about myself than the item's lack of perfection.

We each have a right to want boundaries, express them and demand that they be respected.


In sacred work we create boundaries by setting intentions and by rooting, grounding, centering and shielding. When you set intentions you are stating clearly and briefly what you hope to attain. Like boundaries your intention is personal.  Just remember to be as clear as possible. If you write them , write them in script as it makes each letter a powerful glyph.


To expand on our breath work we want to shift our energy.  Grounding and rooting are terms that are seen as the same thing and often one or the other is used by itself.  I use both.  As I do rhythmic breath I visualize and sense the energy coming down from Divine Love into my crown chakra at the top of my head.  It is a white light that travels down each chakra then splits, traveling down each leg.  When the energy reaches my feet it creates capillaries of light that anchor me, root me to Gaia, mother Earth.  I feel her strength and stability under my feet.  I feel stable because the capillaries are solid roots she holds onto.  I won't fall.

I inhale a deep cleansing breath and release it in a slow deliberate exhale.  This time the Light of Love doesn't go down each leg.  It stays in my root chakra, in my pelvis.  This is where sexual energy is housed.  This powerful energy can blow a circuit if you're not careful. That is why this visualization is what I call grounding. I see lightning leaving my body between my legs and contacting the ground.

Inhale again and I visualize and feel myself floating off the ground like a balloon.  I have nothing to fear, the chords from my rooting and grounding keeps me tethered to terra firma and so I just enjoy the gentle sway of the breeze from the sky. I call this being centered. We are in the ether between land and sky.

This energy/Divine light/Love is traveling through my chakras I see myself floating. Kept from floating away by the roots under my feet and the the arc that is grounding me. I begin to see the energy cycling back up through my chakras now and like a great fountain spraying out of the top of my head.  This great white light sprays around me creating a permeable bubble.  This bubble is strong and nothing may enter unless I choose to reach out and pull it inside with me.  I am safe.

Day 2 Practice

Follow my visualizations above or create your own. The point is to feel safe. In biblical terms it's
called a "hedge of protection".  I often place a hedge up too. Especially when someone I care
about that has asked for my assistance. I visualize a wide, tall, thickly grown hedge like one found in a maze.

Stretch with your hands way over your head. Get on the tips of your toes as you reach for the sky
As you visualize your breath work focus on feeling the energy flowing through your body. It may feel like a warm liquid or electrical heat.  See and feel as it travel to Earth and back up to creating your bubble.

On the inhale as you see and feel the energy leaving your feet creating roots say,
I am rooted in love.
On next inhale see and feel energy leaving root chakra connecting to Earth say,
I am grounded in love.
Exhale feel and see energy as a flowing current that pushes you into the sky. Say,
I am centered in gratitude.
Exhale feel and see yourself come to a place of floating. Repeat,
I am centered in gratitude.
Inhale love. Exhale gratitude. Do this until you feel the energy flowing out of your hear. Say,
I am shielded in peace. 
Continue to inhale love, exhale gratitude and allow protection to encompass you.
I am shielded in peace

Disclaimer:  The rituals, affirmations, prayers, exercises are based on my experiments.  Some were given under DIVINE Unction others were taught to me.  By all means in your practice, do as Spirit leads you. 

Monday, May 20, 2013

Trans-generational Clearing : Day 1 Self Love

The purpose of the Trans-generational Clearing at it's most basic is removing karmic, generational, family curses/self limiting agreements, habits or conditions. At this time I won't delve into these blocks. The focus of this Five Day Trans-Generational Clearing (TGC) is to begin the process of healing whatever condition that keeps us from being our most succulent selves.

suc·cu·lent (s k y -l nt). adj. 1. Full of juice or sap; juicy. 2. Botany Having thick, fleshy, water-storing leaves or stems. 3. Highly interesting or enjoyable

Most of my sisters want  profound, deep, abiding and loving relationships.  I am included. I have struggled with family, friend, work place, and intimate relationships. Our stories may have different characters and themes but it always comes back to a core reality.  Everyone is working through their own stuff! 

No matter how I looked or from whom I got counsel the answer is always to look within.  What I found when I did was that everything that I felt I loved or disliked about myself were rarely feelings born entirely from myself. Experiences, influences and desires played just as great a role as what my true self was telling me. At times even more.  Have you ever done something against all your better judgement to appease someone or thing outside of yourself? Why?

The Still Small Voice

To begin with I want you to begin to respect your feelings. That still small voice, gut feeling, is our higher self.  Our intuition.  Growing up I was taught  it was that 'check in our spirit'.  That peace without contemplation or effort is that check.  If you are a more cautious person that check may manifest as that sickness in your tummy or as fear. You may be more acutely aware of one or the other.  Whatever that way is.  Learn to be present to witness what you feel.  Respect yourself enough to know you know yourself better than anyone.

Breathe Life

Breathing is the only function that is both voluntary and involuntary.  Our breath is a pure connection to the creation process.  We're told to breathe all the time.  Which on the surface seems foolish because if we're alive then no doubt we are breathing.  In fact the admonishment is to breathe deeply and mindfully.

When we inhale we do so for a count of three. Any length is fine.  I do a leisurely three count in honor of all the Great Trinities in my life.  As you inhale place your hand on your abdomen and feel it rise as it fills with air.  If it does not you will need to monitor this until you learn to in hale correctly.  As you exhale count three to complete release.  The same count in and out is considered rhythmic breathing.  This is foundational so practice.   Great times to practice are when you are feeling something you don't want, when you are confused or feeling stressed and when you need to center yourself.  

Day 1 Practice

Repeat I love you to yourself.
This may not seem like much but if your love tank is hungry for self love it will be more powerful than you expect. 

Through out the day take the time for deep breathing. 
You can't do it too often.  But be careful not hyperventilate.*** 

Every chance you get and for no reason.
while you do your mantra and rhythmic breathing

 Please feel free to share with the group or in a private message to me what you experience as we do this work.

***hyperventilation can be avoided by making sure equal amounts of oxygen and carbon dioxide is exchanged.

 Disclaimer:  The rituals, affirmations, prayers, exercises are based on my experiments.  Some were given under DIVINE Unction others were taught to me.  By all means in your practice, do as Spirit leads you.