Thursday, May 23, 2013

Trans-generational Clearing Day 3: Gratitude


Give thanks to each body part, individually.
Say, "Thank you hair." (or scalp for folicly challenged)
Pause to feel being both the giver and receiver.


Stretch with your hands way over your head. Get on the tips of your toes as you reach for the sky
As you visualize your breath work focus on feeling the energy flowing through your body. Bring your arms down slowly. As you bring them down - with toes pointing out bend your knees to a squat.  Feel your pelvis open up.  Feel exchange Earth energy for that which flows from the most sacred place, Repeat for desired length. 

Today is a day for gratitude. Surrender to the knowing that everything is as it should be. Go on a gratitude frenzy! See how many times and ways you can say, "Thank you."

Disclaimer:  The rituals, affirmations, prayers, exercises are based on my experiments.  Some were given under DIVINE Unction others were taught to me.  By all means in your practice, do as Spirit leads you. 

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