Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Inside Out Flush: How to Begin

Here's to your new commitment to your primary partner, YOU! Congratulations!

Our goal is wellness. This isn't a quick fix or fad diet. Most weight and health issues have three components. The most evident is the physical indicators. They are important because they let us know that our temple is in distress.  By the time we have pain or realize we've let the pounds pack on - it is after long, progressive neglect and/or abuse. Any quick fix is down right predatory. Including anything big pharma has to offer. Ultimately, you can have dis-ease and never have physical indicators.

Which brings us to the most ignored indicator, the mental. There is much stigma attached to mental health so certainly to mental 'problems'. In my practice if you are feeling unfulfilled and blue I am just as concerned as if you had schizophrenia. In some cases more so. It grieves me to see people existing; moving through the day to day minutia passing time. Especially when the abundant life is attainable and you are worthy!

The oldest indicator and most arguable, the real you, your truest highest self. I call the spirit. The proven most effective for full recovery and healing is examining the inner being so the DIVINE can guide us to wellness and wholeness.

Day 1

Here's the housekeeping. The part that must be done but no one likes to do.  KNOW YOUR NUMBERS! You need to write down your weight, measurements, blood pressure, glucose level, and cholesterol.
It's the most uncomfortable part of this process.  I just keep telling myself they are just indicators. So, I implore you write it down.  It will mean so much when you make them to change. Confirmation of your tenacity and hard work!

Begin the day naming three things you're grateful for. This plants the seed for more blessings to meet you.

Stretch. If you notice this forces you to take deep breaths! Continue to be aware of your breath the rest of the day. Am I filling my lungs? Am I holding my breath? When am I holding my breath?

Be aware of each of your limbs and the way they feel before & after a good stretch. Do you feel relaxed? Is there an increase in your libido during rest of the day?

FOOD GRADE Diatomaceous Earth*(DE) 1tsp in 4-6 ounces of purified/distilled water.

Drink half your body weight in water. Example: 180lbs(weight) /2 = 90 ounces of water daily.

Today make no changes in your diet. Remember weight loss and wellness are by products of a life well lived in a well loved body!

Today I honor myself and the body that I've been blessed with.  
Thank you eyes for vision,
 thank you nose for pleasure of smell,
 thank you mouth that I can speak words of life and love,
 thank you ears that I hear,
thank you arms that can hug and hold,
thank you for legs for your support.
I honor this body temple that tethers me on this Earth.

*Diatomaceous Earth is fossilized microscopic one celled plants known as phytoplankton. It eliminates parasites, detoxification and cleansing of the intestines; leading to  energy, hormonal balance, relief from irritable bowels, constipation, clears skin and improves focus.  DE contains Silica which prevents and reverses osteoporosis, improves skin, prevents wrinkles, strengthens bones, regulates blood pressure, and is beneficial to connective tissues.  Numerous trace minerals  and is an alkalizing agent!

There are many more but for our purposes we intend to focus on the silent killers, stress, exhaustion, blood pressure/sugar and weight issues.

Friday, November 22, 2013

Dance On Your Own Grave

My friend, Kitty posted on her Facebook: Dance on your grave:  The alternative to accepting the process (of life, love, art) is a living death, where the fear of the thing we avoid penetrates every microcosmic aspect of the thing we try to hold on to. Impermanence is magic.

Little did she know it was exactly what I was doing!  I entered the Masonic Temple for the first time in long memory.  As I entered the hall that rivaled a fancy hotel or synagogue, I was overwhelmed by the long since gone that recognized me as my father's child. My Daddy, a man who was honored by the Masons. I remember helping him prepare his Prince Hall speech for if memory serves, Prince Hall Day. I was so proud as he spoke! My Daddy the handsome, sharp dressed orator. 

Since that time the same Christians that had Masons & Easter Stars as highly coveted organizations now cried sacrilege & rarely even speak of them. Or the people that studied, worked & supported what they were taught was a noble endeavor. 

As I took in the marble floors, grand staircase and furnishings I set my intention to dance down oppression, division, discord, dis-ease, fear and lack. In my Daddy's name I raised my hands above & gave thanks for the man that he is.  I gave thanks for his complete recovery and longevity. Flashes of favorite moments with him came, words of warning and wisdom flowed past. The African drums began to pound as another song was included in the mix. I saw my ancestors standing looking across a great area of green spotted with jungle life. They laughed at the hypocrisy of our spiritual practices being stolen & synchrotised. They showed me symbols and sigils - secret meanings. And I new there was no malice. There was no evil agenda. There was only ignorance and fear, from the same hypocrisy that took my roots was now rewriting some of their own history and traditions. 

I spun for Africa, I twirled for the US. I slowed to honor and acknowledge then added speed as I went into a praise dance. I praised for wellness, wholeness, longevity, peace, overstanding, compassion. I praised for my family & friends. I praised for my body which serves me well. I praised for my gifts & manifestations. I danced with Freedom.

Then in a state of ecstatic bliss I knelt down and listened. I listened to the music. I heard the breath of those around me and the whispers as the Divine met me in stillness to share all knowing.

So, I danced on my own grave against the fear of loosing those I love, fear of creating what I want, fear of the Christian hell. I danced on my grave and became magik~

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Seshat: Goddess of CANNABIS, Wisdom, Knowledge and Writing

"You don't have to like the art you create. The point is how it makes you feel."  

I heard whispered in the breeze.

She told me

"The process must be embraced and allowed to flow freely.  It has to be allowed to go where it must.  Be that place dark or bright.

When you see the creation, greet it.  Allow it to be without judgement.  Play with your muse.  Enjoy her dance.  Romance her to the pinnacle of her desire."

At this point satisfied completion.
Sweet creation.  The face of the DIVINE you have.  Take me to your breast where love is  found and felt. 

Oh Great Mother of the House of Books, 
Lady of Mathematics, 
Mistress of the House of Architects,
Keeper of Years,
Thank you for mathematical and notational overstanding. 

She was seen as a scribe and record keeper.  Seshat an Ancient Egyptian Goddess of writing, accounting, architecture, historical records, and measurement.   She kept records for the gods counting the Pharaohs time remaining on Earth.  

Seshat was also a magician.  She carried a wand with a seven pointed plant. This star is the symbol of the source of all consciousness and creativity.  Worn over her head.  I perceive it is where the light bulb/bright idea came from.  The interesting thing is that plant is a cannabis leaf. The horns of Thoth over the leaf represent wisdom flowing down.  Carl sagan; Mr. X wrote in his book published in 1969 Marijuana Reconsidered wrote:

"I do not consider myself a religious person in the usual sense, but there is a religious aspect to some highs. The heightened sensitivity in all areas gives me a feeling of communion with my surroundings, both animate and inanimate…Many but not all my cannabis trips have somewhere in them a symbolism significant to me…a kind of mandala embossed on the high. Free-associating to this mandala, both visually and as plays on words, has produced a very rich array of insights.”

This Moon Goddess worked along side her masculine consort Thoth.  With her cosmic intuition she created writing which he then taught man! Do not mistake her for her other counterparts seen holding tablets. For wise Seshat is the only one depicted in the actual creation process of writing.  

Look to her for inspiration, comprehension, retention, record keeping, writing, reading and building.  

Deep Breath    --- INHALE --- Peace

Cleansing Release     ---EXHALE --- Thank you creator for the gift

Deep Breath     --- INHALE --- Gratitude

Cleansing Release     --- EXHALE --- Thank you Seshat & Mother Earth for the 

Deep Breath     --- INHALE --- Love

Cleansing Release     --- EXHALE ---Thank you flora for your Essence

Deep Breath     ---INHALE --- I bind discord, distrust and dissatisfaction

Cleansing Release     ---EXHALE --- I receive HARMONY, LOVE and JOY

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Cathy Pagano's New Moon in Leo

As I gain more knowledge of all things astrological, I am grateful to people like Cathy Pagano who break it down sweetly!  I've highlighted my favorite parts.

Astrology is a helpful tool for understanding the evolution of Life, both individually and collectively.  It helps us translate and read the cosmic story of Life reflected in the heavens.   And like any storyteller, its purpose is to awaken something already within the listener, something that resonates as true.  A true story opens up the heart, where Wisdom lies.  A true story moves us to right action.

Cosmically, we are just at the beginning of a new age (and you can see how the old patriarchy is holding on for dear life!) which we hope (along with the hippies from the 60s) will embody the belief that ‘all you need is love’.  This new Age of Aquarius will be one where women and men are equal and where we use both sides of the brain, making us Wise instead of only intelligent.  

This is the mythic, cosmic story that is shaping our world and our lives. But we are at a point in the story where things could go either way, down to destruction or onward to new life.  Will Lessa bring back the ancient dragonriders to help save Pern?  Will we be able to save our Earth, clean up our air, water and soil?  With our growing population, will it be possible to create a ‘Heaven on Earth’?  I believe the cosmic story says we can do it; that is if we share our resources equitably and move beyond the ideas of patriarchy and consumerism.

This evolutionary cycle started in the 60s with the Pluto/Uranus conjunction in Virgo opposite Saturn in Pisces.  It was a wild, unpredictable time, a new birth for humanity, a time when Time Magazine asked, “Is God Dead?” (Saturn in Pisces questioning the long-ruling Hebraic father god of Western religions and his rules) and young people rejected their parents patriarchal rules (Pluto/Uranus in Virgo).  Now that we have arrived at the first square between these two planetary archetypes, we are being challenged to take individual action (Uranus in Aries) to get rid of outworn and repressive systems and rules (Pluto in Capricorn).  As anyone can see, the issues and events of the 60s are continuing to shape this next step in the evolution of human consciousness. 

However, instead of our parents trying to shape us to patriarchal expectations, today’s issues involve our governments and corporations taking away our rights and freedoms, because they are the patriarchy!  It’s time to reject this form of society and its values.  It’s time to recreate a more sustainable, equitable, creative society.  A Love-based culture!  That’s what the new revolutionary and evolutionary cosmic cycle we’re in is leading us to— a heart-centered consciousness that can create a better life for everyone, including the Earth.

While Astrology is very logical and mathematical in its calculations, astrologers also use our intuitions and imaginations in reading the cosmic story.  That’s the part which patriarchal thinking rejects—the imaginative meaning of life.  !Patriarchy is so flat-earth!  It’s my way or the highway view of life is deadening to real creativity and freedom.  Just because our patriarchal culture believes that a symbolic, mystical understanding of Life is irrational and therefore suspect, it does not mean that this belief is the Truth.   Just as patriarchy has relegated women to second-class citizenship, it has also decreed that the psychological functions of feeling and intuition (which give rise to that symbolic understanding of Life) are irrelevant to any decision-making we do personally or collectively.  Along with women being enslaved, raped and considered irrelevant, our right-brain imagination has been enslaved, abused and made irrelevant, except when it is used to manipulate people when there is money to be made or fear to create. 

Leo, the King and Queen of the Zodiac
                                              Sekhmet by Katlyn Breene

It’s time to change that!  We were created as women & men, along with being given a right & left brain to work with, and it’s time to explore how these two different aspects of our humanity were meant to work together, both within and without.  I know I understand an issue and make better decisions when I use my imagination as well as my intellect, my senses as well as my feelings.  My life develops out of my wholeness, beginning in my soul and partnered by my self-awareness. This kind of wisdom takes a commitment to know yourself, which takes time and courage and humility, but is worth the wisdom and peace you gain.  And wisdom increases when I relate to other people who think and imagine in their own unique ways.

The sign of Leo is all about the process of becoming a unique, one-of-a-kind individual who has taken the time to know yourself.  To know yourself as a whole Woman, a whole Man, a whole Brain.  It is the archetypal power that patriarchy has misused and abused by establishing kings and presidents and CEOs, because Leo is meant to imply personal sovereignty, not state or corporate sovereignty over others.   Each Lioness is Queen of the jungle, just as her partner Lion is King.  Leo wants each of us to assume the responsibility of becoming the author of our own lives.  Until we do that, we won’t be able to create the Aquarian vision of equality and freedom that will be the foundation stone of this next age, a vision of sacred partnership between women and men instead of a patriarchal hierarchy based on domination and violence.


But don’t forget the other side of Leo, the playful, loving generous heart we all had as children.  Leo is all about self-confidence, and even if you have to fake it (Leo is an actor), do it during Leo!  We need that self-confidence to ride the waves of the continuing revolution, which should start to heat up in the US next year when our ‘4th of July’ national Sun at 14* Cancer becomes part of the Uranus/ Pluto square.

The Sabian symbol for the Sun and Moon at 15* Leo is:  A loud and colorful circus parade snakes through city streets.  Something out of the ordinary is happening in the city—in our collective consciousness.  This celestial circus parade gives us a glimpse of the mysteries and delights awaiting us when we go in The Big Top.  Everyone in the parade is unique and different, a mystery of talents that will surprise and entertain us.  Parades always draw large cheering crowds, encouraging people to partake in fun and enchantment.  It is all about the Theatre of the Mind—that Leo sense of drama and theatricality that tells a story.  We need to see our lives in terms of story to understand where we are going.  Instead of falling into patriarchy’s story of partisan bickering, let’s open our imaginations and step into a new story of celebration and mystery.  There is so much creativity within each one of us, and collectively, we can be unstoppable in our determination to change.  So leave despair behind and see the possibilities!  Change your story!

This New Moon is a time to plant seeds of self-confidence, love and self-expression.  It is especially blessed because it occurs at 15* Leo, a power gate which is celebrated as Lammas or Lughnasadh .  There are four cross-quarter days in the Wheel of the Year which correspond to the 15* critical degrees in the signs of Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius. These points are known as Avatar Points. They are considered to be degrees where important spiritual influences enter the Earth plane and our lives. Planets moving across these Avatar Points will trigger the release of these influences.  So this New Moon, take time to meditate and open yourself to spiritual guidance. 

This New Moon is embraced and challenged by the feminine asteroids. Vesta and Ceres in Leo add a sense of self-possession (Vesta) and nurturing (Ceres) to the seeds we plant this New Moon.   Juno in Aquarius opposes the New Moon, demanding equal rights between partners.  And Pallas adds her wisdom and intelligence to Jupiter’s meeting with Pluto, so we have a better chance of mediating these two powerful energies.     

August Influences

As we move into August, the summer’s grand water trine is still active, with Jupiter in Cancer anchoring in the third leg of the triangle along with Neptune in Pisces and Saturn in Scorpio.  Jupiter in Cancer expands our faith in our emotional body’s ability to tell us what we need.  Jupiter, who was a great lover of women, opens us to the feminine aspects of life, helping us honor our feelings, our intuitions, and our sense of what nurtures and sustains us and those we love.  Along with Neptune in Pisces’ gift of empathy and Saturn in Scorpio’s demand for personal accountability, Jupiter’s expansive nature helps us understand that the whole world is our family!   So play fair with everyone you meet!
Jupiter is also involved in the ongoing Uranus in Aries/ Pluto in Capricorn square.  He’s a busy archetype!  While the water trine calls on his blessings, the evolutionary square, with Jupiter opposing Pluto on August 7th for the first of three oppositions, and Jupiter squaring Uranus on August 21 for the first of three squares, will call upon his beliefs and sense of values to do the right thing.  Jupiter was the King of the Gods, and it was his responsibility to mediate between the various powers of Olympus.  With his involvement in this transformative planetary square, he can either bring up even more intolerant beliefs or more positively, get us to look at our beliefs and ask ourselves if they serve Life.   For in this transformative time, we all must become servants of Life.

The Pluto in Capricorn/ Jupiter in Cancer opposition occurs on the day after this New Moon.   It seems we will be re-tuning our subtle bodies to a higher vibration—or at least a more inclusive, balanced one.

The Sabian symbol for Pluto at 10* Capricorn is: On a sailboat, sailors are feeding a tame albatross.  An albatross symbolically implies someone is carrying an emotional burden of some kind.  For sailors to feed an albatross implies that if we make friends with our emotional bodies—rather than shun them—we can be relieved of the burden of old emotional wounds. It implies compassion for ourselves and others.  Let go of those old emotions, they are no longer needed for self-protection.  

The Sabian symbol for Jupiter at 10* Cancer is: A large diamond in the first stages of the cutting process.  This is what the Taoists call ‘the diamond body’, the subtle body of the chakra systems.  Jupiter is re-tuning our bodies at the cellular, subtle levels.  Work with him to enhance the changes.

Saturday, July 20, 2013

It's On You

If I stand tall & proud,
You feel intimidated & want to take me down
It's on you.

If my swag, my curves, my style
titilates or titivates
It's on you.

If you are socially awkward
with an absentee or cold mother
It's on you!


You think I'm a bitch-It's on you.
You think I'm a whore-It's on you.
You cant get none-it's on you.
You feel small & powerless- it's on you.

Your intimidation doesn't scare me.
Your words don't phase me.
Your fists don't break me.

#1billionrising Rise Strike Dance Vday Event